Friday, March 26, 2010

How Participating Bloggers Can Help Get More Blogs to join Up

All participants can help promote Blog Jog day by inviting their networking friends to join in.

Things you can do to help promote Blog Jog Day:
*Post an “upcoming” announcement on your Blog inviting other Bloggers to join.
*Post a Blog about the event on your Ning membership sites.
*Post a notice on your Facebook Page and Twitter.
*E-mail all your friends and family Bloggers to let them know about Blog Jog Day.

Most of you know me or have worked with me online to promote books. I am very efficient in my promotional efforts. My Blog, "A Book Inside" reached a Page Rank 4 in just 6 months online! Together we can be even better!

When I first promoted my Ning site, I used a similar method to get initial visitors. I had over 500 hits and nearly 300 new subscribers on the first day! I accomplished that by notifying just my own social networking friends. Then, after asking my new members to notify all their social networking friends, our membership grew tenfold! Imagine what we could do as a networking team??

Finally, about one day before Blog Jog Day:
*Send a reminder note to all your friends on your social networks, e-mail, mailing lists, Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, etc. and ask them to jog on Blog Jog Day.
*If you have an Entrecard, drop, drop, drop on May 9!
*Join in the jog on Blog Jog Day! We too can jog on that day to visit other interesting Blogs in the circle!

Sign me up!
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1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I see this a RAW traffic and I would much rather use EntreCard so I can pick my category of blogs to interact with.
